Afghan Refugees One Year later

Many accomplishments, but we still need your help!

  • $100,000+ Raised!
  • 2000 refugees and 500 Afghan families clothed/fed
  • 300+ Jobs attained
  • 250+ families moved in
  • 10 English classes started

We have raised over $100,000 since the start of the Afghan refugee crisis in August 2021, but we need even more to help nearly 2000 refugees and 500 families with home move-ins, our ten English classes, job applications/resumes, and asylum/legal paperwork. Please DONATE NOW and help your Afghan neighbors settle into their new lives!

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About Us

Global Shout is a U.S. based 501(c)3 tax-exempt (EIN#: 85-2382286) non-profit organization originally founded by students at Georgetown University in 2005 as Global S.H.O.U.T. (Students Helping Orphans in Underprivileged Territories). After an early focus strictly on the education and care of orphaned children in third world nations, the organization underwent a gradual shift in scope of humanitarian work, expanding beyond the university and dropping the acronym, with a full rebranding in 2019-20, now operating projects internationally of varying type and purpose.